Plan Structure Onion 1

BCP, DRP, CMP, ITSCM …ummm are your Stakeholders getting confused?

This simple diagram helps clear up the structure of your contingency plans.  We’ve included a fairly basic and typical range of plans,  and you can modify the diagram as you need.  The diagram uses Microsoft PowerPoint SmartArt, making it super simple to change colours and layout in an almost countless amount of options.

  • Simply describe your plan structure on a page
  • Easily copy and paste into other documents as you need
  • Modify to the terms you use in your business
  • Remove, add, or change the icons easily
  • Support available for All-Access Members

Keep Your Stakeholders Happy

Great for Awareness Training

Eliminate Terminology Confusion

Not sure how to use this template?  Here are some suggestions and common use cases …

Tailor this slide to your needs and then include in your presentation packs before exercises or briefing sessions.  Its a great place to start to make sure everyone is on the same page before your session gets underway.

Include this slide on your Business Continuity or Resilience Planning Intranet page.  Its simple and the information is easily and quickly understood.

Include this slide in your employee induction material.  Its great for new starters to understand what the contingency planning terminology is in your business as it is probably slightly different from their last job.

Most Business Continuity Planners will be asked to present to an area of their business at some stage to discuss and provide an overview of your program.  This slide helps with setting the context and the importance of different types of plans and the objectives of each of the type of plans.

Use as part of your Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW) material.  The BCI’s BCAW is becoming more and more popular and this diagram can add a business specific flavour to the great generic material provided by The BCI.

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