Crisis Situation Report (SitRep) Process Diagram

Command and Control is essential – A diagram can easily educate your staff on your Sit-Rep process.

Creating a strong Command and Control process and procedures is key to controlling a crisis.  This simple and powerful diagram can be used in your business continuity procedures,  or education materials.

All text, icon, shapes can be modified; giving you completely freedom and control over your end product.

  • Simple format – limit any misunderstandings
  • Easily change to suit the terms used in your company
  • Copy and paste into any location you need

Simple to Follow

Limit confusion and increase your chances of success by eliminating complicated procedures.

Totally Flexible

Paste into procedures, or post it on your intranet blog.  You decide where you new diagram can do the most good.

Powerful and easy to learn process

Simplifying the process means you can reach a wider audience and strengthen your process.